We believe that everything is connected, but as humans, we can't always see what's in front of us.The deck I play in Modern is Breach Moon / Blue Moon and similar controlling Blue / Red decks. Our expert natural-born intuitive healers are also industry experts that have been helping others succeed for years. We use branding experience & Earth's energy to better your brand. We're also a full-circle consulting firm for marketing, publishing, and content.

We are a community of content superstars saving the web from crap content daily! Whether you need content or are looking to publish your best work, we have you covered. CONTACT US for questions or to get your business noticed!īrand Shamans Content Community is your top source for quality content. The Brand Shamans market jewelry, crystals, authors, books, healing products, ritual supplies, content and content services, brands, branding, marketing, business success, all businesses (with preferences and specialties in small businesses, disadvantaged businesses, minority businesses, family, women, and more), and much more. There is real potential here, but don't throw your money into the ring just yet. It's definitely a fun combo deck to try out, and if you add in Blue mana to play dis ruption such as Remand and card selection spells such as Serum Visions, there is a shot that it can do some work in Modern. But it's hard to say how competitive the archetype will be. Considering that Angel's Grace is an $8 card, it's fair to say that the Pact could be north of $10 if it's truly a four-of in a Madcap Experiment deck. Intervention Pact is definitely a wait-and-see card.

Anecdotal playtesting has allegedly proved this to be true. It allows you to potentially win on turn 4 by just having a copy of Madcap Experiment in hand. However, Inter vention Pact is essentially free, and the drawback doesn't matter if you hit the Reservoir and deal 50 damage to your opponent and win. Hallow can be found in bulk boxes everywhere. Angel's Grace is definitely a safer investment as it is part of a known competitive combo in Ad Nauseam decks in Modern. What about t he other damage preventers? Hallow is a common from Darksteel and Angel's Grace is a rare from Time Spiral and Modern Ma sters. It is a low-supply card being from Future Sight, the Tarmogoyf (and Horizon Canopy) set. Personally, I would stay away from Intervention Pa ct at anything over $5. While the brewing has been intense around this Red sorcery, there hasn't been a truly optimized list just yet. Whether this Madcap Experiment strategy actually pays off in Modern is going to be a big factor in if Inter vention Pact becomes a truly $10+ card. You'd rather hit the Reservoir or the Colossus, I would think. However, an 8/8 creature that makes sure your life total never changes is pretty signif icant, although not in and of it self a win condition. Notably, another card that has seen considerable price gains around Ma dcap Experiment speculation, Platinum Emperion, is not included in these two examples. Here are two examples from of Madcap Experiment combo decks in modern: Aetherflux Experiment and Madpact Experiment. Notably, the Reservoir can come down on turn 4, so you may never need to even play Madcap Experiment in order to get it into play. This is one of a Madcap Experiment deck's main win conditions, sometimes along with Blightsteel Colossus and its indestructible 11/11 body with infect or beating down with Serra Ascendants. This card allows you to pay 50 life in order to deal 50 dam age to a target player. The other card from Kaladesh making people consider Intervention Pact is Aetherflux Reservoir. So in this case, we can assume this was a buyout target. In the case of Intervention Pact, it doesn't seem that many people were willing to actually pay more than $5 for this card when the price spike occurred. However, many other price spikes occur to the dreaded buyout, as in one or a few speculators buy out the internet of a particular card with low supply that may or may not actually have future demand.

Many price spikes occur due to what are known as "price corrections" meaning that the card's price relative to its demand finally normalizes as supply diminishes. However, in late September of 2016, Intervention Pact went from being a $1 rare to having a TCGPlayer Mid price of nearly $12! What happened!? It has seen occasional pay in Modern Eldrazi & Taxes and in Commander. There's the also unplayably bad Pact of the Titan in Red, but Interventi on Pact is actually playable. Pact of Negation, Slaughter Pact, and Summoner's Pact are the ones that many Magic players know about. Intervention Pact is one of the cycle of five (mostly) powerful Pacts from Magic the Gathering's Future Sight set.